Friday, September 14, 2007

Can't stand Paris and Britneys

It all started with The Thomas Crown Affair...No, this blog is not about the movie that I watched last night, it started off with how the temptations and love (read lust) scenes were handled so gracefully in that movie, so in contrast with today's times when the protagonists are ready to pounce upon each other and the director tries to portray it as steamy as ever to earn a lot of extra bucks.Then there is this E Channel which flashes regular images of either of these three - pop diva Britney Spears, Hotel Heiress Paris Hilton and Famous Star Lindsay Lohan. None of these have any material and their lives are a reflection of wild partying,drugs,porn and rehabs.Even while writing, I'm feeling a sense of hatred towards them. And I guess an average american teenager considers them as their role model and is awed by the glitter and glamour that they exude and in their hearts, wants to follow their footsteps and be in their shoes one day. The papparazzi has made them out to be hot divas so desirable and powerful whereas in reality, these are the most powerless people I've come across in my life...They don't even have a power on their body and minds, let alone controlling anyone else.I guess its the moral responsibility of each citizen not to let their kids' innocent minds be influenced by them.Anyways we are losing our touch of culture and knowledge of vedas and puranas.The way my Parents can chant shlokas and understand their meaning, I can't and so the heritage I am going to give to my daughter is decreasing. Our Cultural Streak is fading away somewhere especially in this foreign land and it's our responsibility to first keep our own feet well grounded to Earth and then our Children's by constantly being in touch with our religious faiths.Its very difficult to keep ourselves grounded in this over materialistic land and still keep intact the connection with our roots.Want to end my post with the mention of one quote I heard - "Live your life like a dry leaf, it flows in water, still remains dry all through"


Anonymous said...

if you describe yoursenf as a cynic and a person who questions rituals and existing norms, it would be wortwhile to question the vedas and puranas and "
your religous past" - to w hich you seem to be taking refuge in.
to think that it was all a product and distilled thought of a faultless society, inhabited by egalitarian enlightened intellectuals - i am not sure .. you dont have to look too deep to find their male chauvunistic and deeply casteist nature - I must hasten to add that I am not being entirely dismissive of these but saying that these were also works of humans like us in a society with its own political and sociological environmetn which is far from perfect - so PLEASE question it .. i wont be surprised if you look - without the prejudice of your own conditioning that there would be atleast a thing or two that are as despicable as MS Hilton or Ms Spears.


Deepti Jerath Pradhan said...

You are absolutely right Ram and thanks for bringing it to my attention. There will be lots of aspects which can be questioned there and are simply outrageous and ridiculous...e.g A atatement like "Dhol, Shudra, Pashu aur Nari - Yeh sab tadan ke adhikari". Now who can Imagine that a thought like this would be given any importance and would be glorified so much. I overlooked that fact completely in my post, I haven't read any of the vedas but I intend to do so someday and come out with a strong post about the same subject.

Unknown said...

An interesting thought indeed and it raises some fundamental questions about karma. Right off the bat, to-date no scientific proof exists to support existence of a past life. However, that doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. Its existence can neither be proven nor denied and such cases fall within the purview of a "belief". We have a lot of supporting evidence (for a past life) - like our bahits, traits etc but that doesn't onstitute a scientific proof. The entire karma model itself comes from our scriptures and according to it we reap the fruits of our own past actions. Veda itself tells us that we are not at the mercy of our karma entirely since we have a free will (volition) too and can choose our new actions differently. But to change the course is like swimming upstream, difficult but not impossible. As a human beings we are not "programed" as we are endowed with intelligence. Our past karma give us a platform, a starting point only, and we must still act to reap favoravle fruits. To your question as to why some seem to suffer endlessly - perhaps it is due to their past bad actions - while others abuse the system and seem to enjoy in luxury. The answer is very simple - a bad person may also have some past good karma that is fructifying now and a good person may have done some bad deeds in the past as well. In general we all have our share of pains and pleasures driven by our past karma, everybody is a mixture but ratios could be different that is why some seem to have a more luxurious life than others.

I hope I have not confused the matter further.