Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Reincarnation - a truth or myth

Today I feel eternally blessed and feel genuinely happy inside, despite of the problems on my pheriphery...Reason - Two of the people who touch my life in more ways than one make it worth living were born today...And I want to thank them so much for being a part of my life...All my sincerest wishes go to them both and may they be blessed eternally.Now to the topic - Which again sent my grey cells in a tizzy and started me thinking...The discussion started off with my better half as usual and as expected, we were on completely opposite sides of the fence.He didn't believe at all in this enigma of karma and punarjanam whereas I was adamant that one's deeds good or bad in the past births are responsible for mankind's bliss or miseries respectively in this lifetime. I can quote numerous examples which come popping in the media every now and then about kids who can give full details of their previous lives, name people they have never met or tell about places which they have never visited. And there is enough evidence to substantiate such findings...So I'm convinced that reincarnation is certainly a reality. Now comes the issue of whether every living being is a mere puppet and comes to life only to experience his or her past deeds and cannot control his life fully with his actions or inactions. It cannot be a mere chance that mental illness strikes some people and they lose control of their mind, body and ultimately of their lives though they haven't done any considerable harm to anyone but on the other hand, murderers, sinners and corrupt politicians keep on living luxurious lives. The argument which I really liked from my counterpart to this theory was : He asked me to name one person who doesn't have any sorrows in life and I couldn't. So according to my theory then, everyone has committed sins in the past since nobody is without miseries in life which was difficult to counter argue.To put forward my point, I told him why only some people become rich, famous and successful in their craft that they get accolades from whole world whereas other humans clean filth all their life to which he answered that These bigwigs have their share of problems in life.So according to my theory then, everyone has committed sins in the past since nobody is without miseries in life. Maybe the magnitude of the sins or misdeeds done in the previous births amounts to the miseries one faces in this lifetime.Life itself is a vicious circle in which everyone comes to experience his or her share of joys and sorrows.Whatever name we give to it - Destiny, previous deeds or something else, there is an external force which is guiding us all. How does it explain otherwise the different awareness and maturity levels of individuals. The ones who remain so engrossed in vyasanas and the futilities and the others who attain vast knowledge of the upnisads and vedas and not only just preach but also apply those ways and virtues in leading their lives. So the question still remains open ended and for you guys to introspect - Is the theory of past karmas just there to instill fear in humans so that they steer clear of all vices and be humane to their fellows.
Disclaimer : This blog doesn't hold one's views as superior over other's. It just bring into the fore the wide contrast between individuals' thoughts and fundamental differences in thinking.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Can't stand Paris and Britneys

It all started with The Thomas Crown Affair...No, this blog is not about the movie that I watched last night, it started off with how the temptations and love (read lust) scenes were handled so gracefully in that movie, so in contrast with today's times when the protagonists are ready to pounce upon each other and the director tries to portray it as steamy as ever to earn a lot of extra bucks.Then there is this E Channel which flashes regular images of either of these three - pop diva Britney Spears, Hotel Heiress Paris Hilton and Famous Star Lindsay Lohan. None of these have any material and their lives are a reflection of wild partying,drugs,porn and rehabs.Even while writing, I'm feeling a sense of hatred towards them. And I guess an average american teenager considers them as their role model and is awed by the glitter and glamour that they exude and in their hearts, wants to follow their footsteps and be in their shoes one day. The papparazzi has made them out to be hot divas so desirable and powerful whereas in reality, these are the most powerless people I've come across in my life...They don't even have a power on their body and minds, let alone controlling anyone else.I guess its the moral responsibility of each citizen not to let their kids' innocent minds be influenced by them.Anyways we are losing our touch of culture and knowledge of vedas and puranas.The way my Parents can chant shlokas and understand their meaning, I can't and so the heritage I am going to give to my daughter is decreasing. Our Cultural Streak is fading away somewhere especially in this foreign land and it's our responsibility to first keep our own feet well grounded to Earth and then our Children's by constantly being in touch with our religious faiths.Its very difficult to keep ourselves grounded in this over materialistic land and still keep intact the connection with our roots.Want to end my post with the mention of one quote I heard - "Live your life like a dry leaf, it flows in water, still remains dry all through"

Thursday, September 6, 2007

The one who inspired me

Her contagious laughter echoes all around...Her giggles do let me know if she is present in the office or not...'Cos they rip apart the air from a distance and soothe your ears...They sometimes make me introspect and feel that I'm abnormal as some days, I don't laugh at all! Her name is Shalini - though contrary to her name, she is a carefree, bindaas soul, always ready to help though. She exudes a warmth, a radiance and a positive energy so strong which can light a hundred bulbs...Ok, maybe I exaggerated a bit...But she is really a strong influence on my tender mind. Well hitherto, I considered myself strong enough but after hearing through what she has gone through in life, I feel like a novice. God chooses his persons carefully, the ones who have the endurance to go through it all, all by themselves, single-handedly face the adversities of life and emerge as sure-shot winners...And I salute this winner..She is not in any way less than the heroes of Kargil...I mean they have the whole batallion with them and their families back home but she fought all alone. At times, she didn't have a place to sleep and had to sleep in a car...At others, she didn't have a car and had to walk over miles...Did her education on her own, fetched her own bread and butter, Had sleep in her eyes but cudn't sleep as she had to study and work full time. She made her own life, took her own decisions and reached her own heights...I mean how many such self-made people do you meet in your life? And I'm lucky to have met one in my stint at Chicago...These whole negative experiences of her life haven't left her bitter at all, instead made her a better person for life! Way to go my friend...

Friday, May 25, 2007

My Journey...From a Village to a city

I'm here to write about my experiences when I had my Transit from a lesser known city Kansas (which I considered hitherto a city) to a really big city Chicago. This city opened so many avenues for me, helped me reconnect with long lost friends, changed my perspective completely...I'm a kind of person who gets bored very easily...But to my surprise,I've never even for a second, felt depressed in this amazing city...Even when I was alone for days at a strech...So the reverberating question is - Can a city made of bricks and concrete do so much to lift the sagging spirits of a being? And in my case, it has been so since I have only a handful of colleagues who don't even categorise as friends and have been pretty much on my own for the past two months.So I've got that much needed time to reconnect with my inner self. But on the other hand,this change has also changed my perspective that the happiness lies within and the wordly pleasures can't do much to change your mental state...It does make a huge difference...This city never sleeps, you find yourself on your toes always, there are a thousand places to see in your free time, positive energy all around, so you find yourself immersed in positively charged vibes all around. Now this experience might be the result of a change in place but I wonder if it would have been the same if it wud have been the other way round i.e if I had moved from CHI to KS. Earlier,I couldn't register why do people live in big cities where life is so difficult and you spend a considerable amount of your life juggling between buses and trains to reach destinations, but now I can see the beauty of it all. Its better to be in an overly crowded place than to be on the depressing deserted streets.The lights of this big city have definitely dazzled me beyond doubt and I can think of no reasons to go back to my Village except my beloved being there.I can also fathom the deep roots of all my Mumbai Friends who would not stop at anything boasting about their big city - Mumbai.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Thousand reasons to smile...

The other day, I was watching this realistic flick "Traffic Signal" which supposedly depicts the lives of people making a livelihood at the Crossroads and busy Signals of Mumbai city. The movie didn't exactly leave an imprint on me the way "Page 3" did. But nevertheless subsequently, this question kept pestering me - What if I was not so fortunate and was one amongst them? What if I had no choice left in life but to beg...What if I didn't even have enough money to buy me food? Now everyone who has travelled by road in India will agree that these beggars and kids in rags are considered a nuisance especially when they bug you constantly to buy something or keep knocking on your car's glass doors for alms. That time we think "India can never grow" and "Look at the ugly picture of posh Metropolitan cities"...In Delhi, whenever I've seen slum areas besides some upmarket areas, I've always freaked out at the situation.But on some serious Introspection, I feel that these are very real people, with their own set of problems and they can't just disappear in thin air unless the Government or the NGOs take a step forward and give them places to live and jobs, and rehabilitate them, they will continue their professions at the Traffic signals with generations multiplying themselves and the nexus getting deeper. Isn't it strange that we people, who have got all the luxaries in life, never look at the agony of the beggars who have to spread their hands before strangers,the helplessness of the prostitutes who might have to do their jobs against their will, the rag picker who has to bear all that smell doing his job...And how disgusting it can get when even these beggars have a pay a "Hafta" to the local Don! I mean the parasites exist at every level...Even at this lowest level. The bigger parasites are of course the ministers and the politicians who feed themselves on the country's funds. I don't know if I wud be capable of showing some sympathy towards these less fortunate people the next time I see them on the roads of Indian terrain or I will be swayed towards contempt due to their annoying ways and ugly appearances...God give me the power to be wise, compassionate and generous.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The ones who inspired me in my journey

Just felt the itch to write...I often find myself in deep thoughts thinking about the handful of people who have really made a mark in my life, left an imprint along the way...And however ironical it may sound, I'm hardly in touch with any of them now. The set of friends that I had in my adolesence and teens is entirely replaced with a complete different set now. The few names that come to my mind foremost are Tulika, Manisha Sabharwal, Ritu Dubey, Nidhi Kapoor, Vipul Taneja, Ashish Arora, Vikas Sood,KamalKant,Tushar Dave,Pankaj, Vandana Sukhija, Anjali Mahajan, Manisha Tuli, Prabha Sattiraju, Ram Gopal, Shaju Nandakumar, Sivakumar Tammali,Mani, Samiksha Bindra. Then there is my hubby who wooed me and completely swept me off my feet with his affable ways and charm. And my sis Meera, Sweet li'l sister Chhavi and BIL Anupam who are the best companions one can have. I really cherished their company and shared my dreams with some of them. Doesn't it come across as life's paradox that the people who mattered the most to you at some point and who were a significant part of your lives are not a part of your very life anymore? Well however strange that may appear, it is true. Often I think of compiling a book with references to all the people who have touched my life in any way...I know it's a difficult task and I might leave out some names behind. I wish I could gather all those that I shared my vision with, laughed with, shared my tears and smiles with. Its been a long time but their memories are still fresh as dew in my mind, hope it remains so till the very end as they are too precious for me to part with.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Time for Introspection

This subject has been doing rounds of my mind for a while but I must admit that I was a bit intimidated to reflect my inner thoughts...Has it always been like this - The contempt among fellowmates? I mean we are members of a minority community here and even smaller community if you go by people attached to the same professional Organisation. Now if you again filter out the like minded people or folks with likewise interests, it comes out to be a handful of people...Left out in this lonely piece of land...Still, there is no affection or attachment among them instead the words that come to my mind are hostility,jealousy,hatred,attitude problems,arrogance,high headedness,mind games....Why is there so much negativity around...Now, I've experienced it and it's not just a figment of my frickin' mind...And I'm sure you guys out there have also experienced it at some point or the other...Where is the innocence lost from our lives? Now, I know that all the great preachings in this world that talk about Relations mention that to maintain any successful relation, you need to have the least or absolute no expectations from others...But to think of it, it's not possible to apply that formula to this Real world...Like if I stop expecting from my partner or my friends, I start drifting apart from them and this is not what I was trying to achieve in the first place. I'm not putting the entire blame on the other party and steering myself clear of all negative traits, of course I am full of them as anybody else is. And I expect every human to be intelligent enough to accept that and move on. Still I'm unable to clear out all the controversies and misunderstandings...I know human thought process is quite complex and there are a lots of different sesitivity levels to handle and it's probably futile to analyse all the why's and how's of this complex behaviour...Still, putting it as a thought across makes me content that it is not confined in the corners of my mind...Maybe we all need to do a bit of thinking here...Maybe resolving all my issues with fellowmates will pester me less and make me a little less lonely out here? Isn't life too short for all this contempt to breed, or maybe it's not since we often find time for these vicious deeds rather than a handful of kind ones.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Salvation...A myth or Reality

Few nights back, I had this interesting discussion with my hubby, which led me to start blogging! And whoa....Here I am, In all my glory, ready to blog...The unusual topic was - Moksha,Salvation. After talking to him, I realised there are innumerable schools of thoughts and one to which my hubby belongs, doesn't even acknowledge that this phenomenon exists...And strange but true, I was fuming on his so little knowledge on this subject. Not that I'm a degree holder in this subject, but at times, you start questioning your very existence, which direction you are headed towards and what happens to you after death...I mean this thought has been doing rounds in my mind since I got aware of my surroundings...A lot depends on your upbringing which steers your mind in a particular direction. The main argument between us was as you tend to grow old, you need to be detached from your loved ones and the wordly things...That is the path taken to go near the almighty and consequently, pave way to salvation...This is the old school of thought in Hindu Religion which I comply with but my husband strongly disagrees with and doesn't think that attachment is the cause of all ailments.
I often find myself in a dilemma as to which path to choose...Am I wasting my time worrying over certain mundane things in life and not treading the spiritual path shown to us by various gurus...'Cos according to my understanding, people who have attained moksha started on early in life and it became a way of their lives rather than waiting on for the 'Grihasth Ashram' to take its course. I mean who will answer my Unanswered questions like these? My Parents have shown me a path and it's my personal choice to choose it or not but will I be able to take it without the consent of my partner who dismisses all this theory as crap. He seemed too worried with the idea of me leaving him along the way for quenching my spiritual apetite...Would that be considered selfish...I know I have to search for answers within me, and noone would come to my rescue.