Monday, January 22, 2007

Time for Introspection

This subject has been doing rounds of my mind for a while but I must admit that I was a bit intimidated to reflect my inner thoughts...Has it always been like this - The contempt among fellowmates? I mean we are members of a minority community here and even smaller community if you go by people attached to the same professional Organisation. Now if you again filter out the like minded people or folks with likewise interests, it comes out to be a handful of people...Left out in this lonely piece of land...Still, there is no affection or attachment among them instead the words that come to my mind are hostility,jealousy,hatred,attitude problems,arrogance,high headedness,mind games....Why is there so much negativity around...Now, I've experienced it and it's not just a figment of my frickin' mind...And I'm sure you guys out there have also experienced it at some point or the other...Where is the innocence lost from our lives? Now, I know that all the great preachings in this world that talk about Relations mention that to maintain any successful relation, you need to have the least or absolute no expectations from others...But to think of it, it's not possible to apply that formula to this Real world...Like if I stop expecting from my partner or my friends, I start drifting apart from them and this is not what I was trying to achieve in the first place. I'm not putting the entire blame on the other party and steering myself clear of all negative traits, of course I am full of them as anybody else is. And I expect every human to be intelligent enough to accept that and move on. Still I'm unable to clear out all the controversies and misunderstandings...I know human thought process is quite complex and there are a lots of different sesitivity levels to handle and it's probably futile to analyse all the why's and how's of this complex behaviour...Still, putting it as a thought across makes me content that it is not confined in the corners of my mind...Maybe we all need to do a bit of thinking here...Maybe resolving all my issues with fellowmates will pester me less and make me a little less lonely out here? Isn't life too short for all this contempt to breed, or maybe it's not since we often find time for these vicious deeds rather than a handful of kind ones.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Salvation...A myth or Reality

Few nights back, I had this interesting discussion with my hubby, which led me to start blogging! And whoa....Here I am, In all my glory, ready to blog...The unusual topic was - Moksha,Salvation. After talking to him, I realised there are innumerable schools of thoughts and one to which my hubby belongs, doesn't even acknowledge that this phenomenon exists...And strange but true, I was fuming on his so little knowledge on this subject. Not that I'm a degree holder in this subject, but at times, you start questioning your very existence, which direction you are headed towards and what happens to you after death...I mean this thought has been doing rounds in my mind since I got aware of my surroundings...A lot depends on your upbringing which steers your mind in a particular direction. The main argument between us was as you tend to grow old, you need to be detached from your loved ones and the wordly things...That is the path taken to go near the almighty and consequently, pave way to salvation...This is the old school of thought in Hindu Religion which I comply with but my husband strongly disagrees with and doesn't think that attachment is the cause of all ailments.
I often find myself in a dilemma as to which path to choose...Am I wasting my time worrying over certain mundane things in life and not treading the spiritual path shown to us by various gurus...'Cos according to my understanding, people who have attained moksha started on early in life and it became a way of their lives rather than waiting on for the 'Grihasth Ashram' to take its course. I mean who will answer my Unanswered questions like these? My Parents have shown me a path and it's my personal choice to choose it or not but will I be able to take it without the consent of my partner who dismisses all this theory as crap. He seemed too worried with the idea of me leaving him along the way for quenching my spiritual apetite...Would that be considered selfish...I know I have to search for answers within me, and noone would come to my rescue.