Monday, January 12, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

The itch to write after a long hiatus returned as I was watching this Flick late night y'day. Easily it is one of the best movies I have ever watched. I was taken aback by the interest and the kind of research done by the British Director Danny Boyle with an all Indian Subject and an all Indian Casting. Hats off to the whole Team for portraying such a stark reality on screen. Its the story of a kid who goes from rags to riches...From dwelling in slums to winning millions on the show "Who wants to be a Millionaire"! The movie is made with real kids from the slums of Dharavi, Mumbai and therefore, every actor from a small kiddo to the protagonist of the film seems so real and livid! Especially heart wrenching is the way these slum children are treated by Indian Policemen, the Mafia/Gangsters and the general public - no less than animals..Their gullibilily is so in your face when they can be lured by a mere soft drink into the Begging network...Where their eyes are popped out by the shrewd beggars bosses...Just 'cos blind beggars get double the alms! How shocking! It forced me to change my attitude towards these slum kids whose innocence is lost at the hands of crooks at every corner. Its amazing how the director has shown everything from Hindu-Muslim riots, Begging Mafia Network, Gangsters operations, Red Lights areas and trafficking of gal kids...too many vices...I took a look at my newborn and was dreaded with even the thought that any kid would have to endure a journey as horrific as the protagonist! Though India is shown at the epicenter of the modern developing global scene later in the movie, but just the thought that probably millions of kids in countries like India lead such lives made me so sad and sympathetic towards them. I wished Indian Directors took these subjects instead of dishing out mindless flicks after flicks 'cos it definitely leaves an impact and is successful in changing the perspective towards these "Children of lesser God"!